Learning Disorder Assessments


At Psychologists and Counsellors Australia, we are committed to providing ethical and comprehensive educational assessments for individuals of all ages who may be experiencing learning difficulties. We believe in transparency and maintaining the highest ethical standards in our assessment practices.

Our Approach:

Our assessment process is designed to offer a thorough understanding of an individual's learning profile. We use a combination of cognitive, achievement, and specialised tools to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

Assessment Tools:

  1. Cognitive Assessments: We utilise a range of diverse cognitive tools to assess various aspects of cognitive functioning. These assessments help us understand an individual's overall cognitive abilities and strengths.

  2. Achievement Assessments: Our assessments encompass a wide array of achievement tools to evaluate proficiency in different academic areas such as reading, writing, and math.

  3. Specialised Assessments: For individuals with specific challenges, we employ specialized tools such as CTOPP (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing) to assess phonological issues or KeyMaths to evaluate difficulties with math concepts, among others. These assessments enable us to pinpoint specific areas of difficulty.

Collaborative Approach:

To ensure the accuracy and reliability of our assessments, we believe in a collaborative approach. We conduct teacher interviews, review NAPLAN/testing results (where appropriate), and seek teacher reports/interviews and feedback. This multi-source approach allows us to gather valuable information from various perspectives and ensures a well-rounded assessment.

Adult Assessments:

For adults seeking assessment, we focus not only on their written work, reading abilities, and math skills but also evaluate how these challenges may impact their daily life, including work performance. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of the individual's difficulties and their real-world implications.

Evidence-Based Practice:

We are committed to ensuring that individuals have sought intervention in the areas of concern before undergoing assessments. Our assessments are conducted with the highest ethical standards, prioritising the individual's well-being and best interests.

We are dedicated to providing transparent, thorough, and collaborative assessment services for individuals experiencing learning difficulties. Our goal is to help individuals, their educators and loved ones gain insights into their unique learning profiles and provide them with the support and resources they need to thrive academically and in their daily lives.